Facebook – Chi Man Edmund Chan
周宿鼎 – 周易與天文愛好者, 喜愛研究歷史, 中西占星學及玄學. 資深核數師, 在核數行業有三十多年經歷, 由於工作關係接觸到不同的行業, 由中小企業, 非謀利團體至跨國企業.
Welcome to the Zhouyi (周易) and Astrology (天星) Website
Zhou SuTing (周宿鼎) – An enthusiast of Zhouyi (周易) and astronomy, loves to study history, both Western and Chinese astrology, and metaphysics. With over thirty years of experience in the auditing industry, Zhou has encountered various industries, from SMEs, Non-Profit Making company to multinational corporations, due to work.
周易星象說史話 – 作者周宿鼎
- 坎象與西周發展史
周易六十四卦出現, 是以西周與殷商歷史為平台而寫成
而坎象出现在周易上卦有八個卦象,它們分別是屯、需、比、坎、井、蹇、節及既濟卦, 而這八個上卦含有坎象的卦, 記錄了西周王朝在興起過程中, 所遇到種種的困境及如何面對 !