周易與天星 – 介紹



周宿鼎 – 周易與天文愛好者, 喜愛研究歷史, 中西占星學及玄學. 資深核數從業員, 在核數行業有廿多年經歷, 由於工作關係接觸到不同的行業, 由中小企至跨國企業.

即將出版周易星象說史話(電子書), 此書以周易的坎卦為主軸, 加上廿八星宿的星象為輔, 解構西周由周族的興起至剪商成功的歷史過程!

Welcome to the Zhouyi (周易) and Astrology (天星) Website

Zhou Suding (周宿鼎) – An enthusiast of Zhouyi (周易) and astronomy, loves to study history, both Western and Chinese astrology, and metaphysics. With over twenty years of experience in the auditing industry, Zhou has encountered various industries, from SMEs to multinational corporations, due to work.

Coming Publication: Zhouyi Star Phenomena and Historical Narratives (E-book)

This book focuses on the Kan (坎象) hexagram of Zhouyi (周易), supplemented by the star phenomena of the twenty-eight lunar mansions, to deconstruct the historical process from the rise of the Zhou tribe to the successful overthrow of the Shang dynasty(商朝) during the Western Zhou (西周) period!